AmigaActive (1405/2143)

From:Neil Bothwick
Date:20 May 2000 at 17:13:19
Subject:Re: Hit counter queries

Jonathan Drain said,

> So here's my question. If I put the hit-counter on ALL of my pages, does
> this mean that I would get a hit every time a person clicks a link to visit
> a different page of my site, or does it mean that since the hit-counter
> image has already been downloaded, it only gives me one hit every time they
> visit my site?

If it's an image based hit counter, it should only hit once per visit,
because the image will be cached. It will actually show even less hits,
because the image will also be cached by proxy servers. If the counter
is set to send a No-Cache: header with the graphic, it won't be cached by
most proxy servers.

Image based hit counters are inherently unreliable. It's much better to
use a proper CGI counter, called from a Server Side Include.

> Also, does it make a difference whether they're using an Amiga or a PC to
> visit my site?

No, the counting is done by the computer that serves the pages (or
counter images) not the client browser.


Neil Bothwick - New Media Editor, Amiga Active Magazine
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